
I'm confused. Which one hosts The View?

I can dream can't I?

Whedon always blames everyone else for the fact that he writes like a 14 year old boy that really wishes he was Shane Black. It's never his fault that every one of his characters speaks in the same voice regardless of gender, age, or life experience.

I know it's crazy, but it's true.

It's on Netflix as of today.

Aasif Mandvi's report on voter suppression in NC.

Good god, yes. The less Arrow the better. That show's unwatchable. I'm all for brooding, but that's not brooding. The incessant whining and unnecessary melodrama from those shitty versions of the characters makes Beverly Hills 90210 look like Little House on the Prarie. It's sooooo hard being young, vapid,

I like this idea as well.

I like this theory.

That was actually the funniest bit of the night.

That didn't come across as fun comic book cheese so much as Whedon-like bad writing that thought it was clever and self-aware.

Daredevil is the show that Arrow writers cry themselves to sleep at night wishing they could make.

I'm sad at the thought that Tom Cavanaugh possibly not being in every episode next season. He brings so much to the table on this show. That being said I wouldn't mind seeing more Matt Letscher.
I can absolutely do without any more Arrow crossovers though. Even when its two best characters make appearances it's

Mad 2 the Max

Not sure. I just signed up not long ago for a Disqus account. It was the second thing I tried and it worked. I was pretty surprised myself that it wasn't taken.

I approve of this list. And Jimmy James is definitely one of the greatest characters in television history.

"Sheeeeeiiiiiit, Ms DiPesto…"

I bought this cassette the day it came out, and have held on to it all these years just to see how long the scent would last. 25 years on and it's still as strong as the day I bought it.

"You thought dad was blowing up your marriage!!"

"Hey Eeyore, where's the perky psycho? You're creepin' me out."