Wait, so no gearbox means it's a single ratio all the way from 0 to 248?
Wait, so no gearbox means it's a single ratio all the way from 0 to 248?
I'm from Sweden, I don't know what a Blazer is. We all drive Koenigseggs and/or Volvos. Usually Volvos.
excuse your self Sir! are you aware that this site is mighty Jalopnik.com and it´s main topic are cars?
Based upon what I read, I think you have the right idea. The only thing I might also guess at is the hydraulic clutch is probably a lot like the wet clutch in scooters and the like. That means it could engage but with a high degree of slip.
I think this has covered all bases. We can close the comment section on this article now.
I can predict the future. Everyone will say it's amazing but half will complain that it doesn't have a manual. Then the rest will say that this is a time-attack car so it needs a DSG only. Everyone will be blamed to be cheap and never buying new, therefore causing the death of the manual. All those who bought a new…
I hope they throw the book at him even more. When he comes back, put him in a Roush Fenway Racing car so he understands the gravity of his crimes.
I think Kurt is going to have a rash of new fans, like me.
Self tinting windows. The technology exists let's have windows that darken when parked.
How about a communication system? LED marque across the back and front windshield that says what you speak. I'd love this for blinkers left on, left lane zombies, and fun.
Ooh actually, joking aside, instead of these active lane assist and brake assist and so forth, I want a system that takes in telemetry and passively grades you. Feel free to ignore it, but I became a better racer in Forza 4 with it grading my every turn, and I think if your car tells you, "you stray in your own lane…
This is a simple one...when the wipers go on for more than a few seconds, the headlights should automatically go on. Most states have "wipers on - lights on" laws, but every time it rains I see numerous cars driving around with their lights off...and wipers going. We all know that cars with their lights on make them…
Rain warnings for convertibles. With perpetual connectivity and the availability of local radar data, you should be able to know with 5, 10, 30, or 90 minutes warning when your convertible is about to get wet.
You've spared yourself the disappointment of having expectations of said video.
What a piece of shit coward
I wouldn't put that on you.
There's also the matter of the price tag: $35,915 as equipped here. GUH. The Beetle R-Line 'vert with sound and navigation starts at $34,875, in case you're curious. I had no idea a Beetle could get that pricey.
step 1: put on blonde wig