“Probably didn’t”
“Probably didn’t”
You are completely tasteless and not even worthy to be a piece of shit :)
New Balance probably offered her a bigger bag. They got Kawhi, her, and some big baseball player.
The electoral college is the electoral college. She lost to someone she should have destroyed.
I don’t think he should necessarily be “excommunicated” but I can’t have him giving me lectures on his experiences as a black man because there is no way they could identify.
America is racist too and we somehow got my black brother, Barack Obama, elected. In due time a woman can get there.
The thing is, the site itself acts like they ARE a high end, hard hitting journalistic news site instead of a blog about video games.
Humans are animals...
I think you may be embellishing a bit here.
I guarantee everyone mad at 50 are black women.
This is absolutely false. The people with the dirtiest houses I have been to have all been white, no matter how much black people talk about being clean.
If I ever read a crock of shit then this would be it
The Cardinals were 7-8-1 in 2016. Hardly a “successful” team. They were on the up and up from 2013-2015. I don’t think she really had any impactful decisions when she when they were good or when they were bad.
Does rape and murder really fall under “toxic masculinity”? Its just some evil shit in my eyes. No man thinks rape and murder is OK unless that man is also psychotic.
So its OK to stomp people, but when you get stomped...nope nope nope. The last five games may be a bit TOO stark though. Thats really not enough games to establish a pattern that you are good or not.
Last I checked, Spiderman makes boatloads of money, even with the shitty ones.
Its not fair that you could make the same infraction and you have to pay more because you make more. Flat fee is best.
She probably been trying to fight him too
Its only racist one conservative white dudes, right?
Its a waste of his time because he has to run a company, not filter through a bunch of bullshit. Which is exactly what this congressional hearing was.