Every picture I thought she was baaaaaaad as fuck. Then I got to the last one and now I don’t know. She is still fine, but I might have to deduct a point...
Every picture I thought she was baaaaaaad as fuck. Then I got to the last one and now I don’t know. She is still fine, but I might have to deduct a point...
Is it really though?
You can still die of dehydration after drinking water. If you haven’t eaten or drank anything in DAYS then she was probably already on the death bed. My only real critique is that that part of New Mexico is very dangerous to cross with no supplies and that particular holding center that they turned themselves in at…
If these negros don’t fuckin stop. Climbing around like a monkey is harmless because MONKEYS CLIMB THINGS. Sure, definitely crossed the line by saying he looks like a monkey, but she shouldn’t have been offended by the first comment in the first place.
It probably is true though. Got that settlement in May of 2017 and it took over a year for this guy to be gone? Come on now
Lol you don’t get shit back. Thats like buying a game and then having it go on sale a month later then going to the store like, “I want my 25 percent back.”
How is it not relevant? This ain’t the fucking 50s and 60s where black people were letting that slide. People now these days will bust your fucking head.
Lol you are too mad over a comment. Go be a house negro and soft shoe for these white folks.
Aint nobody trying to hear this “cant hit women” shit. If dudes is out here talking that shit then they get put to sleep, but chicks out here doing the same thing get taken care of with kid gloves. Nope, nope, nope.
Lets keep it real. You just want this man to fall over a “mistake” where this woman called him the N-word.
“Kick”. Stop with the fuckery fool
I support your right to smoke even though I think its a disgusting habit. You see how these things work when you have a somewhat functioning brain? You can support peoples rights to do shit even though you think its dumb.
Lives in Buffalo (Allentown) as well and I think it depends where you live around here. I’m a black guy that grew up in Medina and thats racism/anti lgbta+ central. Also places like North Tonawanda, Lewiston or the South Towns can be pretty bad as well. The actual city though? Pretty good here.
Yo, I know y’all wanna put it all on the white women. But what the fuck are the Latino people in Texas thinking? I know Cruz is Cuban so they may identify with him that way but my goodness it just looks bad.
The caller that called the police on Tamir Rice explicitly said that the gun may be fake but to check it out anyway. Cops did beyond a piss poor job and killed the boy.
You can quit eating as much...
Fellow Buffalonian and I felt the same way. I had not a single idea as to what she was going to do for Upstate and Western New York.
It’s victim blaming to STAY in an uncomfortable environment where this scumbag is caressing your body and saying “I want a bit of you?”
Stop it. We need to stop treating women like they have zero agency to protect themselves.
I bet you don’t even watch tennis
Lol, thats not even CLOSE to true. Only angry dudes call themselves passionate. Everyone else calls it like it is.