
"While your brian thinks it's completely sober." I think you meant to say "brain." #corrections

"From 1990 to 2000, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration identified 175 fatalities caused by air bags. Most of these (104) have been children, while the rest are adults. About 3.3 million air bag deployments have occurred and the agency estimates more than 6,377 lives saved and countless injuries

Google+ also needs to allow more people in. I've been trying to get in since August, but they say that they're full, even though I have an invite.

Fun fact: Texas Instruments (the famous calculator company) used to make missile guidance systems.

It's more like you try to avoid killing people unnecessarily, because that just creates more enemies. Also, sometimes mistakes are made and it is just a fishing boat, so the warning shot does that—it warns them away from the ship.

I have to start out by admitting that the level of research I have done is relatively small, but everything I have seen points to 9-11 truthers being wrong. I don't mean to ridicule you; I just want to know what your main points in favor of controlled demolition were?

I'm definitely a fan of "the bomb dot com." It's one of my favorite ironic slangs.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure they can deny people entry if they threaten public safety or the normal runnings of the trains.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that they are allowed to restrict where you can and can't exercise free speech if it interferes with the running of the trains or with public safety, and a reasonable argument could be made that a protest inside a train station would do both of those things.

It seems more like they had the photocopiers in the first place, and then removed them so that they couldn't be used for this, and then were going to put them back.

The article said that the calls overwhelmed emergency services.

That's why he hopes for nothing big this year. If it is just a small increase this year, that increases the chances that an amazing new model will come out next year when his contract is up.

@NorthernRoamer: Last time I checked, the Fed doesn't write the laws. Assuming that your statement is correct (which I'm not sure is true), Bernanke and the Fed still don't deserve the blame, so I'm not sure how your explanation helps justify Anonymous's incredibly simplistic view of the recession.

Please elaborate on what you mean about the inverse domino theory. I'm assuming you mean that China is worried that if one country becomes capitalist, every country will become capitalist. I don't really think China is worried about the United States exporting capitalist ideology, because capitalism isn't incompatible

I don't know that much about economics, but from my basic knowledge about economics, that video displayed complete ignorance about economics. A lot of economists agree that one of the major causes of the Great Depression was that the Fed refused to act to keep failing banks from going under. "Banks began to fail as

That argument can be used the other way. Why would they attack a country that they have a 70+ billion dollar trade surplus with?

That's why he said it could be very dangerous combined with a military attack. I don't agree with Honan, but he was pretty clear when he said that "in order to seriously devastate the United States, to kill thousands of Americans and cripple our military as Pearl Harbor did, a cyber attack would need to be coupled

How would attacking us and carting freshwater halfway around the world be cheaper than just using desalination for the water in the ocean right next to them? I know that desalination is energy intensive, but it isn't that energy intensive.

"annon [sic] isn't some kind of organized group, they don't act coordinated they don't have a clear ruleset or common cause."

So to stay with the idea of breaking into a house, if I leave my house unlocked, you don't blame the burglars "for taking something so easily available"?