
@waclark57: It's not like the Mexican government just lets the drug cartels run free. Mexico is literally fighting a war on drugs. And when I say literally, I don't mean figuratively. I mean that the Mexican Army is being used to fight against the drug cartels, which are pretty much small armies. The United States

Thermoses don't work by trapping air. They work by having a vacuum between the inner and outer pieces of metal.

@zdantheman12: It seems more like they are saying that Giz should distinguish between opinion and news, just like any other major news outlet.

@OreoExplosion: I used lattice for years and then realized that long multiplication was easier

@contest005: But if surface ships were obsolete, then there would still be no combat surface ships. You don't see any military using muskets, even though I'm sure that they would be cheaper than rifles. And, like you said, nuke subs aren't less expensive than, say an aircraft carrier. Gerald Ford class carriers are

@rayofsunshine: Which is why the U.S. Navy, the most powerful navy in the world, has 214 surface ships and only 75 submarines.

@SSgtTEX: Facts aren't subject to opinion. You can say, "in my opinion, what these people are doing is wrong," or, "in my opinion, wikileaks' statement wasn't strong enough." However, saying "In my opinion Wikileaks supports these guys, be it funds or manpower, so they can conduct these attacks," is like saying "in my

@Arctic_Visionary: A large amount of the information released was not already revealed to the public. Much of it was classified "Secret"

@Arctic_Visionary: I don't think that protecting from embarrassment is more important than revealing actual problems. However, it is not an all or nothing deal. He could have released only the cables that showed actual problems and I wouldn't disapprove of him as much. Also, that quote from Gates was before some of

@jpresson1: Yes, I believe that Wikileaks should be held accountable for what they leak. If we only judge organizations based on the best things that they do, then the U.S. military is perfect. And contrary to what the media says, nothing extraordinary was done to arrest Mr Assange, Interpol just issued a warrant for

@jpresson1: I was just pointing out to xerxes that his intentions weren't all good.

@thermopyle: But did Assange have to release documents like the list of targets to release this? No, it's not an all or nothing deal. My problem with Assange is that he has no discretion in deciding what to leak.

@tomdougherty1987: The one place that offers whistleblowers true anonymity...while publishing the names of informants to the U.S. government. I find it very ironic that Mr Assange works so hard to protect his alleged sources, like Pvt Manning, while naming sources that talked to the U.S. government in countries like

@Br1zon: I wouldn't say that treason is an overreaction for people like Manning, who forwarded information that places lives at risk, some of it for no gain, to a man who has stated that he wants to cause the downfall of the United States government

@bitchincamaro: His view is as if you got robbed, and the police officer said, "hey it's not the thief's fault, you should have locked your doors." While he is right to say that security was lacking, that doesn't justify Mr Assange's actions.

@warkrismagic: Actually, Assange offered to let the government read and offer suggestions on what to redact in a very limited sample of the papers. This would have little practical effect and only give the rest of the releases government approval, because Assange could say, "Hey, we redacted everything you asked us

@thermopyle: So releasing a list of critical infrastructure was a good idea?

@mymatedave10: In general, I disapprove of Mr Assange's actions. While some of the cables, such as the one that you linked to, did reveal actual problems, a huge majority of them were either just embarrassing to the U.S., or harmful to national security. I have a problem with the fact that he despises the United

@Goku1gk4: You cannot live in our country without a trust of government. Do you know why the founding fathers created the electoral college? Because they wanted to place a buffer in between the people and the government. While some government accountability is essential for our republic to survive, a line must be