You people are funny!
I did not say I was for or against Americans military budget. I also did not say being fat was good or bad, so perhaps I like being fat. Maybe I like the safety of a larger well-structured and heavy budgeted military.
Sorry the people who did the video.
They make cool videos.
Poor mental heath and stress can lead to heart attack and early death, drinking allows you to relaxes and there fore live long. You have to remember even if what i said true every individual has there own genetic make up. (Jeanne Louise Calment 21 February 1875 – 4 August 1997 , After her operation, Calment needed to…
Is this legal? United States: Cell phone blocking devices are used by federal officials under certain circumstances. Privacy rights of property owners may affect the policy and application of law within buildings. The FCC may issue a permit that waives the law for private use. For radio communications, it is illegal…
That is cool
No government should use Religious laws to govern a country.
Mean while in Russian Starbucks is a missile launcher.
your right i wounder if was hackers?
I need a prequal to the prequal!