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Something similar to the mad max car probably a 1988 Mustang Fox Body.

You can say that twice.

Does IQ have any thing to do with genetic mixing? This what I have read.

Would you be up set, If you were African American and you got a DNA test, which showed that your Y chromosome was that of a English Man or white man. You are a white man in a black mans body. Well I don't be what you want.

Now playing

We should find the gene that gave neanderthals super strength.




To the gulag!

He sould have put it up his recdom!

Did you guy do this artical last week?

I know it has been pissin me off all day. Black knight LOL!

I want to talk about Body Armor, you know old school people were the first to us fabric Armor. "Our controlled experiments basically dispelled the myth that armor made out of cloth must have been inferior to other available types. Indeed, the laminated layers function like an ancient version of modern Kevlar armor,

Someone talked shit about my poor grammar skills, so I ripped them a new one that is not allowed. It is cool I find getting a comment promoted to be a challenge, and the whole having a star is sociological. They still move you stuff if they do not like it star or no star.

No I Think it is The Fundamental Principles of the Universe and the Physical Laws governing them. Were these law writen or are they Just.............

Can he get a Boner?