I think you can in Europe
I think you can in Europe
I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed. Can you ever just be whelmed?
Mare of Easttown apparently learned nothing from Big Little Lies and will grunt and strain and contort itself to shit out another season (based on some “incredible new idea” that Brad Inglesby just happened to have in his noggin right after HBO offered him an 8-figure development deal), instead of letting a great show…
You didn’t even watch ONE Olympic??? FOR SHAME.
A different Mike Richards was also Kramer on Seinfeld.
I actually commissioned a portrait of my parents to hang over the fireplace for this exact reason. I also had the artist include me as a baby - not with a baby face, just my adult face on a baby body, like a medieval painting of the Nativity. The goal is to make people uncomfortable if they had sex with my parents.…
In to say the obligatory (and echoed from the article) remark about how The Mummy 1999 was awesome and so, so much better than the Tom Cruise re-make. After films like The Dark Knight, Hollywood entered this weird period where it started to think that action blockbusters need to take themselves super seriously (see:…
Adrian Pimento is a treasure and I’ll hear nothing to the contrary. The gag where they use the classic flashback joke structure to just show straightforward horrors he endured is amazing.
I enjoyed this from The Guardian’s reporting of the news:
Oh I know what Starz is, I’m just dusting off an old AV Club meme.
If nothing else the conceit suggests an interesting twist on the inevitable In Space entry in the franchise -- instead of escaping out, the victims have to escape in to safety from the infinite emptiness of the universe.
“Well-drained soil and partial shade is for pansies!” - botanist
But that’s not why he’s called Mr. Big,
Have you tried dating women?
What I think this illustrates is that people don’t care very much about the ethnicity/ancestry of the actors playing characters, unless the character has previously been played by someone of the “correct” ancestry, and then a white person gets the role in a remake or whatever.
It’s straight-up treating all Asian people as interchangeable, is what it is. Nadine Nicole looks as different from François Chau as I do. And I’m Scots-Irish.
That must be why he kissed Blue Julie on the mouth like that.
Melba is straight up the GOB Bluth of the Expanse. Like, your sister’s dead, your father is in jail for crimes against humanity, and you’re gonna be all petty like “Um, beeteedubs, Julie never did anything this awesome for you. WHY DON’T YOU LOVE ME?!”
I mean, he was apologetic yeah, but he also came out and said I love space adventures more thanI love you guys. What did he expect was going to happen?