VOTE: Casper XP
VOTE: Casper XP
@Darkest Daze: That was so painful to watch....
@Travakh: I LOL'ed at the bit near the end, with the swear word.
Don't get the U350: the fan never shuts up.
@DeRose.Joe: I think you missed the point of that line.
I didn't mind FF13 appear on both consoles at all, until I found out PS3 version don't get Japanese track because Microsoft demand both versions to be "identical".
I'm only on Chapter 3, but so far the game's cutscenes are way too emo. Without spoiling anything, they keep discussing the same subject in different cutscenes as if previous discussions never took place, with emo scale set on high, with most dialogues can only be best described as awkward. Vanille's voice is also…
@DaveKap: My thoughts exactly.
They always work on 2 games at the same time don't they? Resistance and R&C aren't exactly one-year-cycle games.
@WineToMatch: You said it, brother. Nothing ruins a good steak more than a marinade.
@comodidit: Ah, I see them now. Weirdly tiny. Thanks for the heads up.
It would be nice if the contenders had labels. There are a couple on there I can't ID.
Learn how to place nice with people. You'll be meeting tons at many different offices. Some of them will annoy you, but try to stay above it. Sharpen your socialization skills to maximize your reputation.
I once dated a "lifecoach." Her life was a mess.
Is there any feature rich writing app that will sync to the desktop?
@Jason: Yon won't be able to reinstall it. You can only install it on the day of the offer.
@Jon-Claw: That's how all the Giveaways works. Pretty reasonable, I think.
It's not really surprising since it makes business/marketing sense afterall.
I hate it when people who graduated from Harvard 10 years ago still hand out their Harvard email address as their primary, so people will know about their illustrious educational background.
@EldestPort: I meant big geographically. It's going to take a long time before a country this size can get enough cell towers going to guarantee coverage in every nook and cranny. You're country, being smaller, has an easier time with coverage spread.