
At first I was thinking suicide attempt?  But I guess I could also see how an out of control vehicle could crest the hill and get stuck right on the tracks.

This is the kind of thing they don’t train you for in the academy.

You really suck at being a human being.

Props to Trooper Correa for some great work.  That was action-movie level close!

I have a severe aversion to aftermarket forced induction, but this is so clean and nice. Too much for even a cherry stock ’08, but I think this is a rare case where quality, well done mods actually add value. NP.

Nahhhhhhhh.....this a white castle burger

I thought I knew a bunch of random cars, but this is one that was totally off my radar. A LaDawri Sebring in... Presidential Orange.

Minis were getting too reliable.

This is dumb!!!

Sex has never been had inside that van. I guarantee it.

Bro, who hurt you?

I fly with my kids a fair bit. I do my best to keep them under control, and I’m usually successful. I completely understand that other people would rather not be seated near kids, no matter how well behaved the kids may be.

You watched these people book their tickets?   How do you know that’s what the dastardly parents did?

If there’s some reason why you don’t want to move, don’t move. But yikes to this overwrought reaction and judgmental/transactional approach to a small request for a little help.

Then everybody clapped, right?

They can survive without each other for a few hours, and if their need for each other was really that dire, they could have planned in advance and booked seats next to each other. Stay put.

But how else will I feel morally superior and tough, if not for at my keyboard?

We rarely know everything behind a stranger’s situation. Maybe she had a death in the family and booked last-minute tickets to attend the funeral. Maybe another family member just called to say they’re suicidal or in desperate medical condition, and she dropped everything and booked the only seats she could grab.

It seems like they were genuinely being considerate of you, by being totally inconsiderate to you.  I can’t even tell if I’m mad at them or not.

Agreed with all of this, with one exception: if the captain/pilot tells you to to move, you move.
If they tell you to do the truffleshuffle, you do it.
Sue them afterwards and win big, but while on a airplane, the pilot is a dictator god. Same with the captain of a ship.
Document everything, get witnesses & video, and