
These replies suggest most readers think “dogleg” refers to the shape of the lever.

A fairly cheap, 18 year old Porsche? I don’t see anything that could go wrong here.

Counterpoint: Reddit forums are hardly a litmus test for high levels of intelligence, as you just illustrated with your arrogant yet ignorant comment. Don’t y’all break your arms patting each other and yourselves on the back. There’s really no reason to.

The holier-than-thou enthusiasts who look down on anyone who doesn’t drive a manual.

is your implication here that horse owners and trainers didn’t know that winning the Triple Crown was incredibly lucrative until 2011?

JUst about every one of your arguments could apply to large SUVs, crossovers and vans. People buy them because they use them. Get to a point in your life where you have a house and a couple of kids, then try one out for a few weeks. Make sure you do a few outdoor chores in the garden which require a trip to the garden

A “sports car” is not a goddamned “race car.” Or a “performance car.” Or a “muscle car.” Or even a “pony car.” A sports car is a lighter weight, good handling, communicative, elemental vehicle with adequate power that rewards good driving skills with the opportunity to turn everyday driving into something fun. It is

If you aren’t participating in a race, you shouldn’t legally be allowed to own a sports car.

Very few people, including most writers and readers, buy the vehicle they need. They buy the vehicle they want to and can (sometimes) afford. Nobody needs a BMW, Tesla, sports car, Jeep, roadster or any other car any of us would like to own. They all need a camry or a Grand Caravan. Or really just a bus

You are in luck then, there are SEVERAL car companies that will let you specify EVERY single thing on the car.

-Ferrari (to a degree)
-Porsche (some models)
-Ford (in 1966)
-The Car Company that You Start and will shortly shutter because the world doesn’t work that way

Simple, even if you don’t agree with it..... The factory decides that 95% of people that will order the Sunroof will also get the Leather seats, so they package the two making it easier to order, schedule and install (Designing processes to handle both). This in turns makes it easier to order, easier to process and

Allocation of options based on “Packages” really is an insanely stupid system. I understand that some things are bundled together due to the BCM(Body Control Module) design but for the life of me I cannot figure out why an engine choice would preclude navigation in a car. I’m looking directly at you Ford.

Is your wife single? This may be a little presumptuous but would she be willing to pick me up for our first date?

Dude. So this. That “build it, don’t buy it” crap is so obnoxious. Civilization is possible only because we have division of labor. Nobody says “build it, don’t buy it” about their house, much less about their steak and corn flakes.

Or their divorce papers.

I make occasional forays into wrenching now and again*, but

My take on this and the dusty engine bay is that the owner took the car for a romp out to the desert west of the city and decided that was as good spot to take some pictures of the car and did so.

How does one get to that stage in their life?

The extra HP is completely unnecessary for that weight of a car and cutting out the spinny bits makes it sound better, respond better, and survive longer without aggressive maintenance.

First off, I love how they used what appears to be an old Explorer Sport 3-door to demonstrate the patent. These automotive patent applications never do seem to use current products.

Actually it’s a smart design so that the car doesn’t immediately shut down on the freeway if the battery in the key fob dies.

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”