
This may be the thing that finally gets me to start using google docs seems to be very bad its only for windows.......any Linux alternatives?

@danofromraleigh: They manage to do okay with it in The Jetsons...haha

Awesome when I get some free time over spring break I'll give this a try!

I've done this before its a lot of fun and really inexpensive esp. in the winter when tourism isn't as big. I luckily live in Virginia Beach, VA, where we have a lot of historical stuff to visit. Like Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown, so much stuff....It's great!

this is the best tip I think I have gotten off lifehacker....well maybe not but still this is great now when I'm just doing work i can turn off the eye-candy and get stuff done !

@techmunkey: I had GNOME and all those other programs you said the only problem is that running on that crap really slows down your I'm all for a distro which does all that stuff natively. I hope thats where KDE 4 is going....It's just really young at this point.

I am a fan of trail mix as a power/thinking food. It keeps me going throughout the day. Another plus is, that its much healthier than scrounging the vending machine. I usually buy all the ingredients separately (which I think is cheaper in the long run), and mix them into to a plastics container and and take some

Thats cool I accidentally deleted the panel a few days ago and went into a frenzy until i figured out how to put it back. if anybody is wondering how, this blog has a good tutorial!