Super Traction Engine

Total performance? I know ride comfort was the goal, but that suspension was like jello! It wobbled a lot after the car came to a stop at the end of the ad.

@DORIFTOSpowr1001: Use that soap stuff high school seniors use to declare that they play volleyball.

@Shprocket: Unicorns with 50mm horns!

@ThinkerTDM: No. All you did was take it to the opposite extreme. I believe that he was advocating for a more middle of the road reading, with common sense being used to determine the degree of safety. As John Locke wrote in his Two Treatises on Government, when man came out of the wilderness and formed a society,

@WheatKing: Especially if you link this video to the advertisement. Preppy folks will be most likely to part with their not-so-hard earned money if presented with and idealized view of how their lives could be more "perfect".

@tjanson: What if you buy and restore the old British car? Not the pay someone to restore it kind, but the blood, sweat, and profanity kind of restoration. I think that amount of work put into the car would make it decidedly non-preppy.

@gman1023: Thanks for the info, I had no idea how they did the distinctions. Also, how do they classify an SUV versus a car?

@brooklynkitchen: The amount of radiation to make that clear of an image would be insane.

Torrent a race car. How hard can it be?

@Vavon: That is what I meant. Americans consider every an equal candidate for invasion.

@Isetta: What is the name of that technology?

@Vavon: The mind set goes like this: some are more equal than others.

@Alfisted: T-shirt and bumper sticker. Or, a great hard rock song.

Now playing

@BullittFan_Fords4Life: Oh, I think they will care very much about it - care about repealing the current bill that is!

@doug-g: They are 4-5 billion behind other companies solely because of health care costs. The funny thing is, other companies don't have to worry about these things because they are based in countries that either have gov't health care or some comparable system. The issue is a very tricky one; and everyone will not