Super Traction Engine

Weapon of Love?

@pj134: I would never tailgate. If that sonofabitch hits the brakes, my car is screwed. Especially if it is an SUV, those bastards can take out a radiator like nobody's business.

@WillowWeen: Would you rather arrive maimed and on time or late and safe? The option of leaving earlier does not count!

I once knew a guy who totaled 3 cars in one accident because he was trying to show off. He hit the gas then hydroplaned. This caused him to lose control, which caused him to hit a parked car, which in turn hit the car parked next to it.

How good of a driver you are should not be measured by how often you crash or get lost. It should be based on piratical things like how big of a burn out you can do, or how far you can power slide. Heck, the ultimate test should be your ring time. You speak of minor fender benders and "statistics", but these men

@superveloce: Just click this button. It appears in the bottom left-hand corner of your comment box, to the left of the YouTube button. You can post a link from the web, or upload from your computer.

@Ubel: sure...

@Ubel: It was all going so well until you admitted to being ironic.

@SpellingNazi: Sometimes it is better to exchange money on the spot...

Looks Boss.

@obriensp1: who needs engine hoists when the barn is rigged with pulleys!