Super Traction Engine

VW Original Beetle, please!!

@LTDScott: Do you have to pay for your own gas, or is that free at the track?

Though NBC was bad to him, he should stay on. If only to keep the network (which he hates) strong. Or, Jay Leno could go host American Top Gear, Conan gets the Tonight Show, and Jalops are happy. Jay wins, the BBC wins, Conan wins, but most importantly, WE WIN!!

GM finally found a way to cut down on labor costs!! Just think: Instead of paying a worker to make the engine, have someone pay you to make it! GM makes a profit. (or we the taxpayers make a profit) I wonder how this program will go over with the unions?

looks very cool, but the I on Hyundai gets lost in the bars.

@area_educator: Because they are so good, or because they are so bad?

This story is a conspiracy! The Jalopnik editorship posted on this event for the sole purpose of drawing out our political loyalties!! They will use this information to create a new comment class filled with people they like: namely the ones who were able to put aside immature political argument and laugh at the

@CJinSD: In our republic, everyone has an equal worth. Just because his opinion is different does not reflect on his worth as a citizen. Our system protects everyone's opinion, and works to make sure fringe groups like the ones shown here don't radically alter the freedoms and liberties of the common citizen. Love

First off, Hybrids are not evil. I know that they go against everything we know and love about cars, but they serve a good cause: saving money. If I just want to get across town to the store, a hybrid or electric car is a good choice because it will save me money on gas. Hybrids are good when they stay in there

Chevy Small Block. Nuff' said.

The KAMAZ Master reminds me of the Mammoth Car from Speed Racer

Well, I was GOING to say the CRX, but, now I will say the 1980's Mercedes 300D models. I know this is not what is normally considered an econobox, but I have my reasons. An econobox should offer cheep, reliable transportation. While the 300D might not have been econobox priced when it was sold new, a good one can

Go Kart! 2 for the kids, 6 for the speed junkies, and 8 for the lobotomized morans [sic].

This morning my Honda CR-V need a jump start (cold weather and old battery). The neighbor showed up in his new Volvo station wagon to help get old faithful running again. He poped his hood and took a look. All we saw was plastic, little covers and containers that concealed important bits like the battery. My kind

number 6 aint bad, but the man from number 10 should think up his own car firm (Fake Motors) and slap some badges on and call it "inspired by" Ferrari.

@twinturbo2: They have last years running now.