Super Traction Engine

out of my cold white knuckles

@FP: Your Volvo is awesome! Anyway: In my best Clarkson voice The horror, the horror.

@#c15254721: It just says BMW for some strange reason

to bad the rear end is not up to snuff with the front

How about a timelapse movie? That would be cool. Does anyone here have the knowhow to pull that one off?

It has Bangle butt, end of story.

@TRAMS_AM: Unproven. In this country we are innocent until proven guilty.

@JeepyJayhawk: And we should thank him for doing so. He helped create a much needed green space and reduce the amount of C02 in the Boston air.

@VeeArrrSix: Are you activity advocating the shooting of a man simply on the grounds that you disagree with him?

@duurtlang: Was that in a crash or did a giant hammer smash the front like that?

Welcome to the world Honda Cr-V, I mean Hyundai Tucson

I can't wait to see what Top Gear will do with this

When attacked, Germans tend to bite back.

@HurtsSoGood: Thanks, I love the "everyone is a horrible driver" sentiment that is actually true in this case.

Cars can be cheep to buy, but insurance is expensive, even for a 500$ craigslist find. When someone makes cheep insurance, notify me.

Wisconsin, if only for the north-woods back roads that twist and turn (yes there are challenging roads in this country) through the tall virgin pines.