Super Gizmodoman

Excited! 8-D

Lego can suck my di... *banned*

Did you say super skinny racer? ;-P

They tried the button-less iPod before :-P

Don't panic? DON'T PANIC?!?

Toilet in the Amazon jungle? Oh found! Thank you.

Aaawww, then how will the SS Fat Guy look for floating sandwiches?

Wanna see boobs? Here.

Careful... Will Smith might get you...

@ninjagin: The force you should use, young Jedi, hmmm...

Concepts are garbage. They won't have those in real life...

It's fiiine... Even celebrities are doing iiit...

It's fiiine, even celebrities are doing iiit...

Those aren't for pens or pencils *rolls eyes*...

Android... Overrated...

Holly's boyfriend...

Try beat my Leica M9 mwahahahaaaAAA! 8-D