Super Gizmodoman

Here lol.

Thug. Eat jail dust!

Can they watch porn with those?

Santa, is that an M4?

Damit my e-money got hacked. Now I'm e-broke.

Change the boot settings, put a random password, change all YES to NO and vice versa, change all values, change boot sequence, change stuff you don't even know in the settings and enjoy...

@drevik: 3DS isn't special, iPhone apps have that "3D"-looking apps way before 3DS was announced (eg. iDesktopVR)...

WRONG, they DON'T hate 3D TV, Giz. They all (will) like and WANT a 3D TV, but either don't have the money to buy one OR they have TV sets already and don't think it's wise to change at this moment. I have a 3D TV at home and EVERYONE got so amazed on how good it is.

"But if you press the start button the red-eyed pale man in the attic will stare at me at night" - Father

@nocar: *trying*... *dies*...

The person wrote the comment above mine is a purple monkey.

A mouse that knows how to tweet...

I want a REAL octopus to charge my stuff!

Yea and then some douche will say "XBox off!" while you're singing ;-P

I see a Super NES down there!!! No seriously! In the picture! :-D

How they do pee-pee? :-P

Thank you for destroying my cool dinosaur image, geez!

Dexter would love this...