
I wonder if she realized she has nothing to offer aside from her rapidly expended body? Like most porn stars.

Lmao! Made me crack up at work - my thoughts exactly.

Which Shark invested?

The side bottom panel of the Aston (beneath the door) looks like a different shade of grey - which would bother me immensely. That and actually buying an older Aston makes me think you are really into some kinky masochist shit.

Called it

Where is that? Looks like Santa Monica

Or its just a powerful car? You can let off the break while still holding it down and it’ll move forward.

Brah do you even race? I left foot brake all the time on the track and when I make hard launches at the light.

I get that off road capability is diminished... But asthetically I think it looks pretty good.

Damn that’s depressing lol. I just bought a 2011 5.0 Mustang at 21, just 40,000 miles, but I hope I won’t be like those sad sacks. With my trade in plus down payment, I payed off almost half the car at the get go. Combined with a steady job I’ve been at for a year, a (hopefully) impedending promotion and raise, and me

If someone had told me there was such a thing as “ the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act of 2010" I would have thought forsure they were bullshitting me

It’s all the same innit?

Boobs yes. Dat ass and dem legs look au natural to me


That girl has an incredible fucking body. Lord have mercy

God bless big burbly V8's. I’m a mustang guy but I love how much power pony and muscle cars are putting down. I never want to see the demise of V8s. Fuck carbon tax

Think I saw these two on the I-5 a few weeks ago...

I would certainly feel like a failure as a parent if my daughter has had MORE THAN 5 sexual partners before she even turned 19.

Reasonable commentator in a jezebel article.. What?!

That cracked me up way more than it should have