
Yup. Chevy Chase may be a shitty person, but honestly, Pete Davidson isn’t even half as talented as Chase was at his age, and really shouldn’t be criticizing anyone for being a douchebag after bragging about beating off to pictures of pop stars.

I’m trying to wrap my head around this article about Pete Davidson going after Chevy Chase beginning with the words, “We’ve got nothing against celebrities falling in love here at The A.V. Club...”

He also notes that Chase has done “nothing” since 1983 because “everybody realized he’s a jerkoff,”

This might be a case of “new pot, meet ancient kettle.”

Publicly talking about it is very different from simply doing it.

Casually said the n-word, made racist jokes, told Donald Glover that people thought he was funnier because he’s black, dismissed Eddie Murphy’s Stevie Wonder impersonation on SNL as “not that hard” because they’re both black, etc. etc.

I like Pete Davison, but talking about jerking off to your present girlfriend before you started dating her sounds a tad creepy.

Then she turned into the moon.

Shyamalan was too full of himself which is why his movie was trash. He tried to make a complex cartoon into some super stoic piece of art. Just, no. Katara and Sokka couldn’t be funny because they had to be sad and serious. The bending was limited because aren’t you here to watch the martial arts and not the fantastic

6. Make sure to feature the Kyoshi Island Warriors...

And don’t forget about this guy!

I’m really interested in the idea of how and whether and under what circumstances a person can move past the wrongs they’ve done. I really like Gibson as a director and wish more directors would emulate some of his films (for all the lip service to diversity, not many directors have matched Apocalypto, a movie that

Certainly in Hollywood.

So are you suggesting that no one can be forgiven? That redemption is never palatable for Mr. Gibson?

Thank you. Let’s stop pretending anyone in a power position in Hollywood has morals or scruples; his name is bankable again, so he gets work. End of story.

Maybe it’s just me but I think the negativity towards Mel Gibson is a bit unfair when compared to a lot of other stuff Hollywood seems to turn a blind eye to. How many A-list actors these days have been arrested for domestic abuse and still enjoy completely unaffected careers? Sean Penn and Josh Brolin spring to mind.

Come on inside. Yes, you’re naked again. We all know. Come on. Yes, there’s more beer in here. No, Dad, it’s not any more of that fag beer from San Francisco.

Yeah, not like conservatives, who permanently shun people who do horrible things, and definitely don’t elect them to the presidency.

Come in off the porch, Dad. It’s late.

I don’t know. People mess up (and are messed up). I’m not in the position to hire or dismiss Mel Gibson, but I don’t hate the idea of him getting another chance.