
False: We actually have laws for incidents involving one person convincing another person to commit murder. It’s still murder. Fuck off.

I fail to follow your logic here. How is the swatter not a murderer?

I’m so sick of hearing about the police murdering compliant people in total absence of wrongdoing. I’m even sicker of the fact that they get away with it.

Yup. Swatting someone is no different than hiring an assassin to kill someone. Whatever the consequences end up being, they’re at fault.

trigger happy police, this would never happen in europe. Better trained officers

I came here to say the same thing. The police and the caller are both criminally liable. If a man answers the door peacefully and is then exexuted, that is terrible police recruiting / training / practice. We now know from the Daniel Shaver case that police are eager to open fire, and treat civilian lives as

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”


Fuck you.

If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.

It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny


So a guy is now dead over half the price of a small coffee and the people actually responsible are all washing their hands of it because they don’t understand how consequences work?

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

I never saw it for Adam Driver before, but then I watched the movie and the more I saw him the more I was like:

When I see Adam Driver’s modeling shots, I always think of the photos from the mid-70's of my parents’ guy friends and relatives. Broody, handsome, long haired (and usually mustachioed) guys who are fit, but with different proportions than today’s gymrat standard beefcake.

I don’t think he’s conventionally attractive but I would 100% bang.

I absolutely disliked Kylo and was on the #WheresRey train two years ago—and wrote hot takes about how stupid Disney was to try to frame KR as the protagonist of TFA, when REY obvs, is the one we identify with.

Maybe it’s because his face is obscured or maybe because all I really see here are rippling forearms, a smooth, warm to the touch shoulders, and brute strength with a fake light saber—I’m into this. He’s 6'2", he looks like he drinks a gallon of milk every day, and I could rappel up and down the wide, expanse of his

yep. only Kylo Ren though, not Adam Driver.

Adam Driver falls into the “sexy but not necessarily attractive” category for me. His voice and the way he speaks really does it for me. I’d honestly do him so dirty he’d forget his own name for a few days. The emo, broody schtick hasn’t done it for me since I was a teenager but I’d give Kylo Ren the best 40 minutes

There’s something about his ears, his nose, his lips... somehow I’m certain that he has a huge cock.

I’m all about some Kylo Ren. I’d totally be his Force dominatrix. Dark, naughty boy.

Yes. Yes you are. Now ungrey me, you ungrateful nerfherder.