
Oh good, I'm super glad we're using helium (which we can't replace and is sold at absurdly low prices on the open market for reasons that make no sense) for stuff like this...excellent use of something we basically can't replace when it's gone...awesome.

I disliked her music. Then she went all I'm a rich musician and I need to cling to the establishment and weaken the evil spotify empire. (Yes, because spotify is the empire in the music industry that screws over artists). Now instead of disliking her music, I dislike her.

Spotify is GREAT, unless you are a musician and hope to make a living off your work. . . .

I'm assuming it's caused by an overabundance of flies and bugs, due to the poop/waste water being treated?

You are like a cop that has been found to be planting evidence. All of his arrests become untrustworthy. Nothing that you have ever written about can be believed.

This should be able to be fixed with a Bluetooth 4.0 dongle. It may not be Apple approved but someone will figure out the kexts needed to make Yosemite think the hardware is native.

So awesome, I'll take 2 please... one with 4 dots on top, and the other with 3 dots on top, so everyone will know that I rolled a 7

I have found that the best place to argue is on 4chan. Not because it's civil. Not because you will win. But, for the sheer pleasure of knowing how good of a person I really am in comparison to the people who are calling me names and wishing extreme forms of harm upon me. It really boosts the self-esteem.

I disagree with you!

1) Is this battle with strangers on the internet? It's not worth fighting. Except for fun, or as a way to keep your debate chops up.

I could see this as very useful in a dashcam situation. Imagine if you were the subject of police abuse, you could have your camera live-streaming to a remote backup so that you can have evidence of what happened even if your camera is confiscated or destroyed.

Here's my latest setup.

watch room 237. "Lighting issues" has almost nothing to do with why people think the landing video (not the landing) was fake. This is cool, but it's more Nvidia trying to generate news than it is scientific proof of anything.

This much effort needs to be directed at Climate Change deniers. not moon landings or 9-11 theories. We have life and death issues at hand.

It's obvious then. NASA was using an early version of the Unreal Engine back in 1969.

Isn't using something called "Unreal" problematic for proving this? :o)

The upside is that you get free coffee. The downside is that you get free McDonald's coffee.

Nonsense. Batman doesn't use guns.