
I’m lazy and copied my reply to Time: I bet it’s the nestkeepers — if you try to choke them out they die, so you gotta sleep dart them. I figured that out the hard way...

I best it’s the nestkeepers — if you try to choke them out they die, so you gotta sleep dart them. I figured that out the hard way...

I... never thought about that

I wholeheartedly disagree — I think Origin has gotten better for sure, but their overlay breaks the majority of my games on there, and generally does things that I frown upon. Steam isn’t perfect by any means, but Origin is a big bag of stupid for the majority of my experience

What about battery replacements? Wouldn’t that essentially double the cost of these Fiats with that inevitable date looming? Maybe they aren’t expensive as they used to be, but I don’t think I’m too far off the mark, am I?

Dude, Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven? Come on man! That and RE:4... Ashley screaming HALP at all times...

Oh god me too...

staaaahp reporting on hiiiimmmm

I had one of these and absolutely loved it. It was a lemon to out-squeeze all other lemons (alternator, cb boots, cracked rims, suspension replacement, etc.), and eventually got totaled by a 16 year old, but DAMN IT I loved that car for the couple years that I had it

While I’d be on the side of an Audi Quattro, I’ve decided that Jason is my spirit animal.


As a serial 4Runner owner, I internet high five you

Agreed. Agreed agreed agreed.

*cough* Titanfall 2 *cough*

None of these can hold two hockey sticks (other than the FJ). Whaaaaat are you guys doing

tiny fingah puppet

Sorry, that’s essentially what I meant. I’m worried checks and balances are right out the window.

I disagree with the generalization of people. I’m independent in the sense that I don’t full support either party, and vote with who I think can best get the job done. While I don’t like Hillary and agree that the democrats ruined their party and this election, I’m terrified what Trump will do in office along with a

Can anyone explain to me the obsession of Skyrim on here? I liked it, but it seems every 4th article is about something on Skyrim. What gives?

This is great — really does an excellent job capturing moments and perspectives. I have a few friends that play games, though only a couple really play the same games I do. My dad still plays the occasional game; I got him into Civ V and the Homeworld series, and when I was younger he used to watch a buddy and I play