That keeps on being brought up as fact... except most people I know don’t like Ira Glass’ vocal fry at all. I know I find it grating.
That keeps on being brought up as fact... except most people I know don’t like Ira Glass’ vocal fry at all. I know I find it grating.
Its good marketing, I agree. Ivanka is no dummy. But this post is ridiculous yet ALL of my conservative female friends have posted it. I’m honestly pretty flabbergasted by it. I also think there’s a lot of “who wore it better” (one’s “hot”/other’s “not”) sorta thing going on as if that has anything to do with the…
lolol you are a good, good friend.
The problem is he couldn’t get a job after leaving the show. No one would hire him.
Do you really have no photos of the audience??
I love the boots not with that outfit.
I was about to say, I know a ton of super evangelical Guatemalans.
I got married at Christmas time and danced with my dad to one of my favorite songs, “Scarlet Ribbons (for her hair)”. For those who don’t know it, it’s about a parent who on Christmas Eve runs around town trying to find his daughter the scarlet ribbons she wishes for, but cannot find them. Heartbroken, he returns home…
I’ve found myself on the low end of Lane Bryant sizing after my baby, and its really quite incredible how insanely ugly some of their prints are. It’s not even really fashion, its like... “just” clothing. I did buy a cute pair of work pants there once I keep on going back.
He gets paid to go to those parties. That’s a main source of income for him. If you are going to blame anyone, blame the club promoters.
I’m more surprised by that too. How the hell does 1 person need 6400 sq ft?
I assumed that my pregnancy would allow me to catch up on reading. No such luck.
It isn’t anymore the responsibility of the South Park creators to make sure people understand their (pretty blatant and non-kid friendly) satire than it would have been for Swift to make sure that the English didn’t really try to buy Irish babies for food after reading a Modest Proposal.
Im not sure I understand your point. Just because you were too young to understand satire isn’t the creators’ problem. It’s never advertised itself as a children’s show. It’s on at 10pm FFS.
You do realize that just because it is satire doesn’t mean their politics and views have to align perfectly with yours right? There’s a ton of episodes I don’t agree with and think are immature and not well thought out. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t also a ton of well done episodes that are wonderfully…
their fans are boys and man-children and “they know not what it means”.
NJ often votes Republican locally and Democratic nationally.