
So I take it Sir Mix-A-Lot was before your time?

Yes, but there’s absolutely no reason to tell anyone that early.

She was involved in the OJ Simpson Trial as she was Nicole Simpson’s “best friend”. She basically milked the trial for all the free publicity she could get (including doing Playboy). She’s been popping up on reality TV ever since.

... I was even wondering if one of the women was the sex worker who had worked with the Sons of the Harpy...

Wait - he’s blazer guy?? Tell us what the fight was about!!!

I grew up in a neighborhood that was over a third immigrant Korean. “Gook” was the preferred slur other people used when referring to my neighborhood.

Those women are certainly not a modern 12.

Does she like.. KNOW its tacky and just goes ahead for the shits and giggles? Or does she mean this in all seriousness?

Seriously, that little girl is totally adorable. And her wardrobe is WAY more sophisticated than mine, lol

Why is this woman famous? She sounds like a horrible, homophobic, racist jerk with anger management issues and potentially mental health issues.

I think that’s the point. Everything old is new again.

I’m so with you. After baby, I’ve moved to plus size and I had no idea how hard it is to be fashionable in plus. My main motivator is the lack of options. I’m also having the worst time finding things that are NOT polyster. Believe it or not I’m having better luck in Sears of all places. They more or less carry

MAYBE people would have cared like 10 years ago...

I’m rooting for Trainor. She’s got a lovely voice, pretty, spunky. But her management and producers need to figure out what her angle is. Nothing is “hitting” quite right and dance music just isn’t her niche imho.

And don’t even get me started on macho-ass guys that think their dog simply could not exist without balls.

It’s also a major cultural thing too. My husband and I completely hounded my immigrant in-laws to get their 2 puppies fixed. They literally told me they wouldn’t have babies because they were “brother and sister”. These are college educated people. They did get the boy neutered but the girl still is not spayed. A

I’ve heard such crazy stories about Chantix, like giving bad dreams and such. The gum is just straight nicotine so you get your “fix” but its SO strong, you’re basically forced to limit yourself. It took me about 2-3 months to quit the first time and I was able to stay off for about 6 mo using the gum (and of course

I was a heavy smoker and quit when I was pregnant. The gum pack helped me a lot, and was able to “comfortably” quit both the gum and cigarettes within a month of the pregnancy.

This will get lost in the comments, but I have a little story:

Well, honestly though that’s the thing about “fuller” sizing - even for a size 6. When you are 20 with no kids a size 6 can be very different than a size 6 when you are 40 and have had 2 kids. Your body may be the same “size” but its matured and well... it doesn’t look like it used to. I’m having a hard time finding