
There’s so many “up and coming” neighborhoods in NYC, and its a good investment in the long term if you have the cash and know where to buy. I bought in 2009 and while it was shaky during the market crash, we’ve made out like bandits. I told everyone I knew to buy in my neighborhood 5 years ago - on even a cheap

In the NYC suburbs, $1500 a MONTH isn’t uncommon for taxes for a normal sized house.

But it WILL be something, because it— feminine whiteness as an unduly privileged placed in our hegemony — is still very much a thing.

Well, a small subsect of white people finding out what a “Becky” is is just one discussion of numerous about Lemonade. The main discussion is WHO“Becky” is... .which is also such a minute part of Lemonade as to seem silly. But gossip is of course so human.

Maybe not “white bitch” but “Becky” has always meant “white” in a pejorative way. I mean, its tongue-in-cheek. I don’t find it personally offensive, but it is an insult.

THANK YOU. The fact that so few people know about this is astonishing. Certainly my first knowledge of a “Becky”.

The IRS won’t let you deduct rent for your personal residence. However, rental expenses for your business as well as expenses related to rental property that you own are deductible.

I’m going through the same thing. Except where my mother wants to live - in the close suburbs of NYC - the cost of a zero-stairs garden style apartment is INSANE. And the ones we do find don’t have garages, which is also not good for an elderly person in winter. Builders just do not build for seniors around here. They

My father recently passed, and he did ALL the housework. My elderly mom can’t handle the amount of work the house needs, but also refuses to move. So who does all the work land on? Me and my husband who don’t live in a house SPECIFICALLY because we knew how much work it would be. Now that we are actually doing the

You are paying for property taxes, utlities, etc when you are renting too. It’s just bundled into rental payments. Apartments and condos also have the same issues of repairs, but you pay it in monthly maintenance fees and the occasional assessments.

I’m not certain you can deduct property taxes when you are renting. In fact, I’m almost certain you can’t. If you work from home with a 1099, you CAN deduct part of your rent as a business expense. Also, the landlord can deduct property tax as a business expense. But not otherwise. I think you might want to speak to

“Becky with the good hair” I think we can all agree is slang for a white girl, but Roy is mixed South Asian/Euro, and I’m not sure what Ora is but she doesn’t particularly look so “white” that she’d be a Becky. I feel like we should be looking at like... Gwyneth Paltrow. I mean... she’s pretty damn “Becky”.

$10k is a ton of money for some people. I’m not judging.

He def had a “look” he liked.

Men with vocal fry are ridiculous too.

Because she needed a story line:-)

I don’t understand why some people think that just because you support one issue it means you can’t support others. As if caring about the issues of BLM means you don’t have “time” for other important issues facing, say the Muslim population and whatnot. So odd to me.

I agree totally about LVP. She’s AMAZING at reality tv, and I do adore her. But the fact that no one sees her for what she is (basically, a producer) is bizarre to me.

See I’m totally with Eileen on this one. LVP was very flippant about Eileen’s concerns and her apology WAS insincere. Would piss me off too.

I have no idea what LA is like - is Pasadena far? One of the wives was going on about “stately” Pasadena homes yada yada. Is Pasadena really nice? I have no clue anything about Pasadena.