She doesn’t have a billion dollar legal team
She doesn’t have a billion dollar legal team
An American Girl doll would be so much more roomy (but the clothes and accessories are so much more expensive - tradeoffs!)
If only she’d formed a 5013C she’d be in the clear!
Agree! Barbie is a grown woman - you’d think a demon with a preference for young girls would be more content in an American Girl body.
So this is illegal, but it’s entirely ok for evangelists to swindle millions by telling their congregations that “salvation is only a check away”?
Was the child actually hurt? The mother? I’m going to call that fairly earned coin until we get rid of the BS double standard that allows federally recognized religions to…
Exactly! How is this different than getting audited in Scientology?
I'm surprised they had $70k left to pay a psychic after their recurring monthly magic beans expenditures.
There is no such beastie as a “cosmetic nurse”. That person is likely an aesthetician or a cosmetologist.
“Socialite, mink coat,$40,000 diamond bracelet” and “cosmetic nurse” do not compute.
Pottery Barn teen is amazing and you will not besmirch their good name in my presence.
Rich person falls through hole, damages luxury goods and sues. Low income customer falls through hole and breaks arm/leg: Gets saddled with medical bills and/or doesn’t receive proper care, is permanently affected but without money or resources to sue.
I was ready to feel bad for her until the mink coat, then the manicurist and hair coloring at the hospital really took me to the next level of not giving a shit. She probably should have been watching where she was walking because that would have been a huge fucking hole to miss:
I just don’t understand their need to broadcast that kind of excessive wealth constantly.
and other one in a family got playhouse which is larger than normal people houses
Meanwhile, Kim and Kanye bought their 6-year-old daughter Michael Jackson’s jacket for at least $200,000. Because she likes Michael Jackson. Sure. Many kids do. That's great. Simply terrific.
Her son tried that, but she pulled herself back into the spaceship.
All I keep reading in reviews is that the scenes feel cut and paste which gives me zero entrance in seeing the damn thing .
You can do that. There’s a company called Celestis that buys secondary payload space on rockets, but you can only send like one gram of ashes because it’s very expensive. It’s like $5000 last I checked.
She was one of a kind and was my earliest barometer for strong capable women (besides my family of course). I’m not sure how they show her goodbye in Rise of Skywalker because I haven’t seen it yet but I’m sure it doesn’t do her justice.
I read both Todd’s book and the new bio that Brian and Billie Lourd publicly disavowed, and I just came away loving her more.