I'm kind of glad the legacy of prince wasn't sullied by the rest of this....ugh, whatever it is.
I'm kind of glad the legacy of prince wasn't sullied by the rest of this....ugh, whatever it is.
So Michelle Obama went into the future to plagiarize a talking horse? I mean, she seems very capable so I wouldn’t say it’s beyond her abilities, but it doesn’t sound like the FLOTUS I know.
Yeah, maybe in this case she might get some of that “sweet rape money” we all keep hearing about. I hope a civil suit is forthcoming and I hope it destroys his father’s shit-eating, old boys, misogynist bank account.
2016 and we’re still here. Still doing this.
This whole thing is just like this horrifying concoction of white privilege, male privilege, rape culture, and misogyny.
White privilege isn’t a thing at all. Naaaaaaaawwwwwwwww. Couldn’t be. Just a total coincidence.
It’s important to not spend *too* much time sleeping. Sometimes you have to eat ice cream, too.
The first most common pull-up mistake is doing pull-ups instead of taking a nap.
As another member of the commuter transit & cube-farm population, I regret that I only have one star to give.
I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.
What a dick.
Anyone who callously slaughters a living being is not someone I would trust to fill my dental cavities.
I read a really funny comment once (unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the commenter) who claimed that he was Jewish and uncomfortable with the term “PC Master Race” and thought we should instead use the term “the Chosen Gamers.”
That’s a bullshot on the right. Everyone knows the PS4 and Xbox One can’t render ropes and vines.
NVIDIA EyebrowFleek: On