
I think if you can afford three 4K displays, you could probably afford a more powerful desk.

why am i not surprised that a gizmodo commenter is still stuck on the shitty OS warrior days of a decade ago? nobody gives a shit.

Thanks for this Eric. I see your comments on every post about how huge the Nexus 6 is, trying to remind people of this very fact.

"follow your dreams" has always been one of my least favorite cliched pieces of advice. If I did that I'd be parachuting off a building in a spider-man outfit

For me it would be all the people telling I can be/do whatever I set my mind to. It's a well intentioned cliche intended to boost self esteem, but when it was all said and done I spent most of my 20's spinning my tires trying to "follow my dreams".

"People don't have to like you, so long as you do great work."

I always play on my dog's fear of abandonment. I turn away from him, walk away, and yell "Bye Nibbler! See you later!" This is the same thing I say when I leave him alone in the house. It never fails to get him to race back to me. Then, of course, I tell him he's a good boy and give him lots of love.

Haha, I wouldn't want to assume they're gay. The tip here works for romantic relationships as well as friendships, work relationships, and family. This photo could be any of the four and works just as well regardless. :)

Just a quick note - I appreciate that you used a photo of two men (without any otherwise focus on homo/hetero relationships) in order to underscore the normalcy of the same. Relationships don't care about gender, and the message of your article - working on yourself - is universal to them all.

Fair enough - perhaps I'm jaded because I'm being forced out of the neighborhood as I'm no longer rich enough to live here.

I don't want to sound like an idiot for saying this, but FINALLY GAY MEN PRESENTED. I always hated post about relationships and marriage because at times I feel that the issue are only relevant to heterosexual relationships and what not.

So, yes, for $2-5 million it's a nice apartment - how surprising.

I'll be the first to not negatively comment and say that this is wonderful. It definitely trumps my office (which was featured here last year)!

Well done!

OMG, bawling like a baby here. Saddest part, okay two parts...first when the dog picks up the toy for 1/2 second and puts it down, too depressed to play. Second when the dog picks its head up at the headlights, then lays its head down again disappointed. Oh man, did not need this today. Just having the sadz today.

At my lowest worst time, I decided not to die because I was like, "who the fuck would take care of my adorable wonderful fluffy cat? And would he find me? Would he think I just abandoned him? Would anyone love him as much as I love him?" Pets can legitimately save lives.


old school Playstation vita caring case.. approved by Dr Carrot him self..

Lol, this is the wannabe philosophic version of bad business jargon.