I always thought it was odd when a Jeep article would appear and you weren’t it’s author....this makes sense.
I always thought it was odd when a Jeep article would appear and you weren’t it’s author....this makes sense.
it’s easy, you kick the wife outta the sewing room, move the oscilloscope to teh side, and just start whacking away on the keys.
It’s just how people shop these days. Customers like to see that huge discount. Ask JC Penney about pricing things “right.” A few years ago they got rid of all their discount gimmicks and lowered the prices on everything. They almost went bankrupt. Sales improved the minute they raised prices and went back to sale…
I gotta be honest here. I’m actually pretty impressed that this thing looks as good as it does. This clearly wasn’t built by some idiot that just learned how to lay fibreglass at his mom’s arts and crafts workshop.
the base Stinger trim is only available in three colors - white, silver, and black.
I am struggling to understand your WNBA vs NBA point there. Are you suggesting that there is a woman that could actually compete in the NBA if she could just play along side some men and show her skills?
We can travel down this well trodden path once again. We can be all for equality or whatever but the fact still…
Sorry sonny but those figures are laughable. 6500 lbs is almost 3000 kgs which is at the low end in the mid size market these days (but a pass I suppose) and 1400 lbs is just 635 kgs. That’s fucking stupid.
You seriously think that was dirty? What else was Stewart supposed to do after Cooper dropped his head down to the level of Stewart’s elbow? But then again, you think PI is an indication a team is playing dirty so it is pretty clear you have no clue what you are talking about.
Roll-over Tide
Look I don’t necessarily have the same background as a player that Rose has, but as someone who is dealing with a similar issue; if I was in his position I’d absolutely dread it.
I was catching the very end of the game last night and they cut to the shots of previous MVP winners of the Thanksgiving game chowing down on turkey drumsticks. There’s Brady (spit it out after the shot), various linemen chomping away, Big Ben biting the wrong end. Then they show the ones for this year and I only had…
So, about that quality education he was supposed to be getting in exchange for playing sports for free...
What a thoughtful well-spoken young man. Shame on Tennessee for mistreating him this way...
When asked if he was going to testify, California Chrome considered what happened to witnesses in Lewis’ last trial and simply replied, “Nay.”
Whatever you do Sarah Jessica Parker DO NOT get in the limo with Ray.
Every business except the healthcare industry is interested in this. It’s 1/6 of the economy, so they have some “pull”, shall we say, with our government.
He deserves a second chance guys. NFL is known for giving second chances, think of Michael Vick, Adrian Peterson, Colin Kae...::checks earpiece:: ...Ezekiel Elliott...
I wonder if they’ve taught the robots to chain smoke and show up trashed every Monday morning...
Jameis Winston?! The lovable, charismatic leader has been accused of sexual misconduct?! catch me, I’m going to faint!
A better name? Like 335? Or S4? Or ATS? Or Q60? Or G80? Yeah, those are great names.