It’s crazy to think it was the worst time to be a fan - from 1998-2009, they were actually 11 games above .500...... But, they never came closer than 4.5 games to a division title. You just know they had no shot of winning.
It’s crazy to think it was the worst time to be a fan - from 1998-2009, they were actually 11 games above .500...... But, they never came closer than 4.5 games to a division title. You just know they had no shot of winning.
Growing up in Toronto through the 00's meant your hometown hockey, baseball, and basketball teams were all terrible. There were the two World Series in 92 and 93 that I experienced as a child with no appreciation it didn’t happen all the time. But, there were two rocks in my sports-loving life: Mats Sundin and Doc…
Agree, he had some incredible moments as a Phillie but if he goes into the HOF with anything other than a Jays’ cap it will be absurd.
It’s starting to get annoying how ESPN seemingly has no pictures of Doc as a Jay in their entire archive. Their entire coverage is Phillies-centric, which is a little bit understandable (let’s face it, his first year there is one of the greatest seasons in history, and it’s an American site, and ESPN is myopic at the…
Halladay was one of those guys who had the throwback asthetics without the faux-toughness and bitching about how things aren’t like they used to be. He just went out and fucking dominated, then got on with the rest of his life until he went back out five days later and did it again. Man, he was good.
It’s no shock that he didn’t think this through; he comes from a family that shoots from the hip.
Is there an aussie word for slightly higher white trash than bogan?
Ach! My bad. I should have used the local terminology, “Wooolaboolarooonybillaballoonybongaroobunyipmatey.” Next time, I’ll be more considerate.
Nah. Poor taste would be if the man hit the woman which would cause Conan to be raked over the coals and require an apology tour.
6 year olds? Like Nike would have their plant managers doing this.. Its clearly the work of 4 year old interns.
The accelerant woven in the fabric makes them flimsy.
There’s no way Nike is paying for it’s child laborers to use Charmin. Scott is the absolute best they could hope for.
Yeah, because the heavy Cuban population of Miami would just LOVE to have CK and his pro-Castro wardrobe in their city, right?
*Fultz while jerking off with his left hand due to his shoulder*
I feel like Jameis is the guy who tries to create new slang and just misses the mark completely, hence us getting shit like this.
This comment combined with your username wins the internet for the day.
It reminds me of the very early days of cars, when it wasn’t even certain what cars would be fueled by. At the time, gasoline was considered an environmentally friendly solution. Why? Because at the time gasoline was an extremely toxic byproduct of kerosene production (major 19th century industry for use in lamps) for…
One day electric car fanatics will realize that electric cars affect the environment too. Today is probably not that day though.