Plenty of Jalops will buy the 2018 Stinger - in 2026.
Plenty of Jalops will buy the 2018 Stinger - in 2026.
So this is a refreshed Genisis coupe in KIA clothing?
I actually like the new micra... kinda looks like something peugot would sell.
Same here. I DVR the USGP to give nbc views when im at the race but otherwise watch sky.
sorry, this article is borderline clickbait. You spent the day at auction - that is no open to the public with a highly experienced buyer and your article took me literally 1 minute to read and I walked away none the wiser.
Shut your damn mouth the Abarth makes one of the best engine noises there is today.
It looks like a Chinese company tried to make a McLaren knockoff
Hyundai’s Marketing Message:
can we not be objective and realize that 2 of those cars have nothing to do with FCA engineering? The compass was abomination that was cast under Daimler’s supervision. The Caravan wasn’t so bad on it’s debut but now it is long in the tooth and is currently on its way out.
On one hand, it’s expensive, fragile, has sub-optimal incidence angle, will not work at night or with heavy traffic.
Scumbags Being Scumbags, Example #Eleventykabillion
1st Gear: Counterpoint (and yes, I know this logic only operates in a very simple scenario): This is actually a great thing for the UK’s economy in the short term. A depressed currency means more incentive to manufacture and buy domestic, and improves the ability to export at a profit. China has done it for decades,…
The left is in a raging tantrum right now, they are in stage 4 of grief (Depression) over our recent election results. Just give them time, stage 5 (Acceptance) is coming...
They hate everyone and everything at the moment, but that will change...slowly.
1st gear: Welp, some one has to make this hot take so... *cracks knuckles*
I don’t think America has any right to criticize another country’s voting results right now. Unless you’re into homunculi of bad choices and used merkins.
1st Gear: Too Many Cars
One difference is that I’m not legally required to hire a lawyer. I can make the choice if I want professional counsel or not.
An industry serving a bunch of needy, unrealistic customers looking for charity is more like it.
Insurance companies aren’t magical charities that draw their funds from the farts of a unicorn they keep locked up in their basement. They’re in it to make money.
Meh. Insurance companies aren’t magic, and they’re not charities. They’re all math on the inside. If you’re ever suffering from insomnia, go read up on “actuarial tables”. Actuarial tables are basically professional stereotyping taken to the next level.
Haha, you think Jalopnik actually still employs enthusiasts? ... That’s cute.