
Great news.  Disney is finally learning the lesson.  Activists on staff will piss off a segment of the audience.  You ignore that long enough, you’re dismissed.  

Good days ahead bro’s. STD and STP will be gone in 2024.

This article is potentially the most vapid in the history of articles on io9. That is saying something, given the hysterical hyperbole over in the aptly named Earther spot.

Calm down. Go to your safe place.  Or corner.

Good.  Glad to see this PoS show kicked to the curb.  

Ah the Russians.  Can’t even lie well anymore.  

Need to expand your ‘online activity urging people to not see it.’

Wondered how long it would take for someone to jump the shark and bring up “big bad imperialism by someone” into the thread.

Realistically, your post should be banned.  

Some of your comments are correct, some are simply conspiracy... the very issue you complain about.

Good for the GOP.

Standard delay for Disney/Marvel.  Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s moved into 2024.  

Agree.  Lots of plans for that Disney IP that didn’t happen.  What could of been.

Minuteman III ICBMs in the field.  150 of them.  They’re being replaced by Sentinel this decade.  

There are 150 Minuteman silos in Montana. 150 in Wyoming. And 150 in North Dakota.

He didn’t.  Please continue... lol.

There are other instances of seeing these Chicom balloons over the U.S. and Canada.

Finally.  Good to see the U.S. getting back into the business of nuclear powered rockets.  

Then the “starving people” can get the $8, $9, or $10 billion NASA was getting at the time... and go to town.

Space Launch System (Artemis). Ex-Senator Shelby (AL) funneled a lot of money to it.  Artemis will serve it’s purpose of getting the U.S. to the Moon, albeit with huge cost over-runs and delays.  SpaceX, Blue Origin and Sierra are the future of U.S. efforts in cislunar space... and beyond.