There is no way an Outback is a babe magnet unless you are a middle aged babe looking for other middle aged babes.
There is no way an Outback is a babe magnet unless you are a middle aged babe looking for other middle aged babes.
That budget with a “need” for AWD says brand new Impreza.
This was my favorite car for a long time. Then I saw one in person and I hated it. I agree that it looks completely dated and it shouldn’t. I like the Chiron more, but I’ve lost interest in the brand.
Yes! Its not just me! Saw one in the early 2000s at the NY auto show and had the same reaction. I actually said "its a dolled up new beetle thats been stretched" and the guy at the booth wanted to kill me.
Listen, lad. I built this car up from nothing. When I started here, all there was was swamp. Other kings said I was daft to build a car on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show ‘em. It sank into the swamp. So, I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So, I built a third one. That burned down, fell…
Ready for my semi-bad flaming hot take?
I’ve seen one in person, it’s better in pictures.
If you think America and Saudi Arabia are comparable in terms of humans rights, you have clearly never left the US borders. I’ve seen a lot of this world, and while America has room for improvement, our individual rights provide us a quality of life that is the envy of the developing world.
Okay, stop with all this whataboutism. The conversation about the horrible things America has done is a valid topic that needs to be discussed, but it should in no way let us to excuse what the Saudi government has done.
If only the country with zero faults can cast stones then humanity is doomed.
Journalists were arrested and assaulted across the US during the Black Lives Matter protests last summer.
The US supported politicide in Brazil, Indonesia, and many more states resulting in the deaths of well over a million people.
The US installed the Ba’ath Party and to remove them from power they killed hundreds of…
buy american! sure america is tied to oil, but we tie ourselves to all corporate interests equally! no oppression of *cough*white*cough* women to be found, and we don’t kill journalists, only give tacit approval to those who do!
I’m very conflicted on Lucid. I love the idea of 400+mi of range in a high-performance non-tesla sedan, and the car is beautiful. However, they sold a majority share to the Saudi Government, and quite frankly I do not wish to give money to people who kill opposition journalists and oppress women, not to mention their…
This is about FOUR DOOR cars. Two doors are not expected to have roll-down windows in the back. A four-door is.
“...grew up sweating buckets into the absorbent velour of suffocating 1980s sedans.”
The IRS has been intentionally underfunded for *decades*. Can’t have the donor class getting audited, now can we?
Yeah, that section 179 thing is a total scam but since its used by upper middle class folks the IRS doesnt really care.
Airbag AND aftermarket body kit/replacement headlights. I’m not saying there was a front end hit, but...