I’m here for Duncan but our boy Paul looking good!
I’m here for Duncan but our boy Paul looking good!
My wallet, it hungers...
Yeah, this game looks boo boo and an asset flip by 2K. you are totally allowed to defend a corporation if that’s your jam, no harm no foul. I love X Com Series btw, was hoping for something more compelling for mobile since the ipad and switch version are already good on the go. Anywho, we made it to Tuesday!
Great job and excellent article! My heart and all the yo ho ho’s go out to the Ubi Team and their families, that shit sounds like a long haul to nowhere.
This game pulling into Port with it’s whole team underwater is very reminiscent of something, can’t quite put my hook on it...
No worries! The event was fun but should be sponsored by sunscreen lol. Got a lil roasty out there.
Pro Bowlers of America Swimsuit would be a hoot. Do it for prostate cancer awareness, think of the balls!
I liked at as well. Hey different strokes theme song and whatnot.
So these scalpers have made this device into the new Coin or NFT, forced trades and scarcity for all. Yowza!
And now that song is stuck in my head again. Thank you good Sir or Madam!! Miss home all the time, gotta go make a coney dog with a side of pepto.
If ya haven’t, Into the Breach has a lot to offer. Very envious of your first go through if it’s new to you. Happy Hunting Commander!
Just do acid. Or don’t! But maybe do? But be safe! But don’t overthink it!
Love this!
He’s obviously trying to get a second before the kids take his whips. Hang in there hallway bench bro, the struggle is real.
I was really hoping for a butt clench, it is America’s Ass right there. ;)
HOW DOES THE SHIELD STICK TO HIS BACK? For real though, this is a misstep. Wow.
All I can see is the lack of beatings from an Asian mom to clean up even when the surfaces of your space are mirror sheen reflective. Military level clean up over here, one step below Kondo’sis. :)