She should be leading the team, and they should be wearing bomber jackets.
She should be leading the team, and they should be wearing bomber jackets.
Having an entree that can finish in the oven gives you time for other last minute dinner party prep, like setting…
Udvar Hazy is right off of 28...theres no need to hit the toll road either way from dulles - The exit is before the toll road / access road split. The parking lot fee there is another matter. That being said, how long is your layoff that you’re going to get a cab off the airport and then go back through security…
Actually, I can't think of a better introduction to civics than what those kids went through.
Math skills! Last night at Pathfinder I was trying to figure out how much damage I would do with my fighter's swing at the evil outsider, so I had to take my base role of 9 and add 14 from Critical Strike and 12 from Overhand Chop and 9 Holy damage. :)
You can cut a rectangle into triangles :)
Airs are designed to be ultra-mobile... so it just doesn't make sense to put in an i7 and reduce battery life, which is the purpose of the device. In other words, if you're doing that much video editing, you probably should have a better platform for that, instead of an Air. I'm not saying you "can't" do that, but it…
Forget making them smaller. I've been using Keyring app for years. Scan the cards into the app and throw them away.
Do men ever get women shouting at them to show their schlongs?
that's totally wrong.
Great article, though I probably would have led off with the Linux bit. You can turn lots of crappy old lappies/netbooks into worthwhile surf/write/email/etc stations with many different flavors of linux.