
You should also consider the type of gear that will need to access the data. I use a semi-DIY PC (installed my own drives and OS in a decommissioned refurb), which has optical drives for ripping discs, allowing everything else to be free of optical. It is also attached to my TV for watching videos and Internet shows.

The flip side of #8 is that being from the South doesn't give you an excuse for not being able to handle snow. I'm surrounded by idiots who can't drive in the snow in Northern VA, and I'm from Hawaii. Only time I ever got stuck on the ice here was going up a steep hill that is problematic even when it's dry. Tuesday,

Vintage Cave is the finest restaurant in the Ala Moana Shopping Center. Yes, it's in a shopping mall, but still incredibly fancy.

Lebron is also, and I quote, a "freak genius". He more than likely knows the plays, as well as the plays of the other team, better than the coach.

Should've bought those "Mega Potato" fries when you could.

You should also be aware of the types of employer contributions. Matching is the most common, but I've encountered automatic and discretionary as well.

I believe this is because Apple built an allowance for discounts into the iTunes business structure. The discount comes out of Apple's 30% cut, allowing gift cards to be sold wholesale somewhere above 70% face value. Google Play offers the same price break, but Google expects Google Play to make money. iTunes isn't

I believe this is because Apple built an allowance for discounts into the iTunes business structure. The discount

I believe this is why we have comment areas: to surround ourselves with people who think differently and are clearly not smarter (no offense, and if you took offense, you're the one putting yourself in the wrong room).

Have to say, this is the best damn headline I've read in a while. Surely, I thought to myself, it's hyperbole, it's just mean-spirited. Nope. That shit is dead-on.

I grew up with folding cartons, so I never learned this as a child. In fact, growing up, I learned to NOT pour upside-down. Took some time to even consider a new method after all cartons switched to screw-tops. Learned habits work both ways.

Redskins is a dumb name. I live in the area, hardly see anyone with red skin. Lot of Asians live here though. More appropriate name would be the Washington Slanteyes, to honor the struggles so many noble Asians endured to come to this country.

Something else to consider: Do you also carry an iPad? If so, no point in carrying a larger screen iPhone, especially after Continuity features arrive in iOS 8. You can leave your iPhone in your pocket/purse and do everything on your iPad, even calls.

Seems like a misdirect. The problems I've heard connected to MSG is due to the sodium, not the glutamate.

Agreed, and I think reviews like this need to distinguish between editing videos and editing movies. I edit video directly on my iPhone. Don't need an i7 or even a desktop processor for that. But those are short, minutes-long clips. When I work with longer video, I prefer a desktop environment (though that's as much

I do all except #3. Car and home/office keys on separate quick-release rings. Club cards on iPhone in Key Ring. Carabiner to my belt loop. Not only is my key ring slimmed down, but the arrangement has greatly decreased my risk of losing my keys.

Risky move on their part in the face of price competition from Apple. iTunes Match was already cheaper at $24.99/year compared to Pandora One's $36/year. The price hike makes Pandora One nearly twice as expensive as iTunes Match without the owned-music cloud benefits. I'd have to be an idiot to not at least explore

Google doesn't just control the ads on Google. They serve ads to any number of websites. You can block the ads but the server still gets pinged.

What amazes me about the original Robocop is how prescient it is. The SUX 3000 is a big-ass car that gets crappy gas mileage. What's that sound like? An SUV! It's like some auto exec watched Robocop and said "We can do bigger and crappier!" Detroit going bankrupt? That happened! Still waiting for orbital solar power

Yes, you can certainly opt out of being part of the world, but I don't see how that makes Google not evil. Whether through their search engine or ad servers, Google skims more than enough Internet activity to determine any number of things about you, regardless of whether you volunteer that data, as per their mission.