
But it SHOULD be for playing Killzone on :p

Great tip-never even knew these existed. What I'd really like to be able to do is track who gave out my information without my consent-I had an AmEx Card with my middle initial accidentally an I not a J once...and I could tell immediately by the junk mail address who gave it out :p

Come on...they are discounts for students. People cheat on the system, and it will get pulled...which punishes the students. Show some class, and pay your own way in the world.

@uglyMood: what can be seen, cannot be unseen...

So the whole crotch thing is a new viral marketing gimmick, right? They did the same thing with Brandon Routh and Superman-"lots of trouble hiding his bulge in the costume, fans!"

Wonder if Bridges and other actors are out in front in keeping/negotiating the "rights to lease" their 3D likenesses...wouldn't be surprised if there were movie studios working on the other side-trying to license the characters likenesses instead.

@Allegro: But how much does a Jeff Bridges cost himself per film?

no, no, they mean Nathan Fillion, with Bruce Campbell as Sully! Right? Right?

I heard the title of this post in James Earl Jones' voice.

@pssshwhatever: exactly! @PresBartlet is talking about it right now on Twitter, actually!

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

@Malcontent79: "no one ever got fired for greenlighting a reboot"

That was a great article.

looks like a great app-now if they could just get PIP on the iPad screen too...

Would anyone really be surprised if Verizon started making V-Cast apps and the Verizon store the only options for their low-end feature+ phones in the future?

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: Yeah, that kinda put a damper on the pacing. I bet in the theatre people are like "hmmm.." "whoa!!" "whoa!" "oh..crap.. :( "