
Maybe the police should also remind people to not rape/murder people? Just sayin’

No matter how a man murders us, it’s our own faults.


Even on Jezebel, I think it’s fair to say that there are a lot worse Chrises out there than Chris Pratt.

They could turn the rescue arm into a non-profit which would allow them to get tax deductible contributions. In any case, they certainly aren’t the only sea rescue organization, there are many country-specific and locally placed orgs that often know their local sea life better anyway. Not saying they don’t do good

I have been vegan for over a third of my life, but I am in no way an activist. I have never met another vegan. I live by a standard to which I stick that everyone should live by their ideals and respect others who live by theirs. That said, I do not disagree with Pink. My internal question has always been, “why are

Once again! We do not have to choose!

Listen, gay men: You don’t get to be misogynistic assholes while using women’s bodies for something you want. You don’t get a pass.



On a side note: the raccoon is safe. It made it to the roof, was trapped and is now safe.

Absolutely agree, her choice. My choice to harshly judge and be annoyed by these people.

Most foreigners have recognized for at least 15 years that ‘America’ the brand is false advertising. America, in practice, is less civilised than all the shithole countries it despises.

If she really didn’t want to be judged, she wouldn’t announce her choices.

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

Having a sequel with Darlene at the center is a mistake.

I have never truly felt actively suicidal, but the closest I’ve felt is what you describe: “if I died in my sleep tonight I wouldn’t really care.”

I think about this everyday. On the outside I am a fairly successful attorney/writer working in nonprofit in DC. I volunteer, I went to law school as a second career late in life. I travel extensively and I’m a photographer who takes pretty good wildlife shots.

“Way harsh, Tai” is a line from the movie Clueless.