Vishus Krosczech

“He felt horrible. He did not intend on hurting anybody...which is why he brought it to a Padres game.”

Crowd? Padres game?

It’s easy to see how the owner lost control. Everyone’s natural reaction to stumbling upon a Padres game is to immediately change the channel on their remote control.

Everyone else was busy ignoring the Padres.

“nothing suspicious to report.”

Im pretty liberal and have dropped “faggot” from my vocab after using it as an insult against every living breathing thing I ever got pissed at through out my teens. Mostly because I would feel terrible if anyone who was gay over heard me and was hurt by it like any non piece of shit human would be. Butttt this is a

I KNOW. Are those guys even wearing protective gear AT ALL??? Player safety has grown by leaps and bounds since then.

Agreed. The “don’t speak ill of the dead” crowd forget that Ailes was an objectively terrible human being with no apparent redeeming values.

For thousands of years, we didn’t reward ghoulish monsters who needlessly made vulnerable people’s lives unquestionably worse with fabulous wealth and power. Since capitalism and modern media has reversed that tradition, we can drop the pretense of respectability when one of these assholes dies on the toilet.

I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.

She’s trying so hard to make excuses for him supporting trump.

Not only can you join them, you’ve just been named the starting pitcher for Friday.

Those Pens are bad hombres.

Caps don’t get out of the second round? That’s the first normal thing that’s happened in DC since Inauguration Day...

Except in DC politics, the Russian superstars actually win.

I thought he was a waste of a first round pick.

It’s bad enough DC gets sent assholes like McConnell and Cruz and Paul Ryan and Trump who make my city’s name synonymous with sleaze and corruption and something to be booed and mocked and invoked in halls as the “enemy” of “Good Americans” everywhere.

the Capitals never woke up, and their offseason came earlier than they expected once again

Damn, gotta feel for Ovi, dude’s like the only Russian in Washington with no influence