
Its the fascist mind set of the GOP - they can decide which women will be forced to have children and which women will be prevented from having children.  

The case is absolutely appalling. No woman should be put at risk in this way.

Abortion is an economy issue. Knowing that an accidental pregnancy can ruin you is a pretty big economic issue.  It’s also a crime issue.  Knowing that a twelve year old could be forced to give birth, that’s a big safety issue.

Best case scenario would be for DeSantis to get the GOP nom and for DT to run as an independent. The two would split the GOP vote.

It’s NYC, blocking the plate number prevents red light cameras, speed cameras and toll stations from seeing the plate. That means you can drive around speeding, running red lights and using all the bridges and tunnels for free. But let’s just skip those for now and think about what happens when there are hit and run

And? So?

Warnock paid for childcare. Walker paid for abortions.

Good to see the racism is strong in you.

Another problem with cops, they can fabricate anything and it’s considered just as good as physical evidence. You know, because they’re 100% honest and trustworthy, all the time, how dare anyone suggest otherwise!

what a piece of shit

Celebrities, by definition, have a huge reach and influence by virtue of being celebrities. It’s some middle school wallflower ass thinking to be like “if only the scientists and intellectuals were the celebrities”.

The rich don’t give a fuck about the rest of us.

I bet a large amount of celebs are, in fact, closeted Republicans.

If it wasn’t so alarming, I would find it kind of hilarious that all these rwnj are supposedly expert-level nuanced constitutional scholars when stuff they like is threatened, but also think that you can deport Warnock (a US citizen) and that Twitter should not be allowed to cancel accounts because of the first

I don’t believe her. Sorry, I’m beyond done with these “my abortion is the only moral abortion” people.

Anyone who has a problem with this audio deserves a pineapple up their ass, especially considering the signs & pictures that forced-birthers love to display outside abortion clinics.

Bitch knew who she was supporting all these years. Miss me with this shit.  

One more thing. This:

How big is this intersection of Super Mario Bros. players and TikTok users? Isn't TikTok for kids? And SMB for kids 35 or so years ago? 

Oh you found people who didn’t know a thing? Well that must apply to everyone because of no reason at all. Take stock of why you’re doing anything professionally, because this is week 1 at journalism school.