Oddly enough, if she had just stuck to her original statement (eff you Bill Clinton), it would probably align her with more republican voters than a hardline prohibition. But why let logic rear its head in politicking.
Oddly enough, if she had just stuck to her original statement (eff you Bill Clinton), it would probably align her with more republican voters than a hardline prohibition. But why let logic rear its head in politicking.
I’m 35 and I have no idea why people my age would love this kind of thing.
I...don’t get it. For one, the toys are ugly. A bunch of adults really want that thing? And secondly, best I can tell, the meal is either a Big Mac combo or a 10 piece nugget combo, which are already on the menu. So its not like a special order item. They’re really getting that much more swamped they can’t handle more…
Whatever it is, I hate it now because those toys are ugly as sin.
I’d rather watch the 3-episode Subway arc on Community.
spoken like a person who’s never had to work a food service job.
I think both Thornton and Pitt were assholes and nutballs but I don’t think she’s very stable either.
“Big government out of our business!”
Walker knows Warnock would demolish him in a debate.
This is the LAPD. Take what seems to be the worst interpretation, and assume the reality is twice as bad.
You don’t need to wonder why there aren’t any “good apples”. This is what happens to them.
We’ll just have to wait 2 or 3 more years to find out that the body cameras malfunctioned JUST as the exercise began, then turned back on to find his his body swollen lying on the ground, while everyone was standing by to help. Guess those 4 cops will get 6 months paid leave and maybe a nice talking to.
You’re telling me Jon Hamm and Bradley Cooper wouldn’t have done this if Judd asked? C’mon.
Mad straight people on AV Club: how DARE Billy Eichner suggest this movie performed poorly at the box office because straight people didn’t show up!
Im straight and somehow managed not to be offended by that joke. I don’t have an super powers. You too could not be offended by silly jokes.
How is this a puff piece? Like what about it specifically seems to be disingenuously misrepresenting the film’s quality?
Billy, you made a movie that was well received, but bombed at the box office. That’s okay! Let it find it’s second life on streaming and become a cult hit. You’ll get more chances. Kevin Smith has almost exclusively made box office bombs and keeps getting movies! No need to blame the majority of americans who won’t…
Also, has he checked what won the Oscar this past year? I watched CODA, and I don’t remember if it has any radical Islamic terrorist pedophiles, but I do remember it having a pretty positive message!
There are a lot of bad things on Twitter, and then there is Lucy Lawless herself never missing an opportunity to dunk on her old co-star for the newest dumb thing he said. She’s a national treasure and she’s not even ours!
[...] if I played a radical Islamic pedophile terrorist in a movie, I’d get nominated for an Academy Award.