
Linking the two accounts was a weird design choice. Maybe they thought they could trick the first million people to sign up, but now that it’s common knowledge, it will be a big reason that other people avoid it. I'll certainly never join. 

It blows my mind that there seem to be no gay attorneys in these shitstain states. Why aren’t they, for example, suing to have every library book with a straight person removed from every library? Florida bans books that mention sexual orientation, and heterosexuality is an orientation. The lawsuits could have clogged

Anyone who announces that all gay people are sinners should be thrown off the court. This dumb bigot needs to find a new career — maybe in her church choir, or serving burgers at In-n-Out.

Agreed. But how can he/Twitter get away with this? If I stopped paying my bills, my credit score would plummet and it would be harder to get new loans. If I stopped paying my rent for several months or a year, I would’ve been evicted long before. We're watching him break the law every day, yet nothing happens. 

Whatare you on about? The Root also writes articles about women who have been hurt or killed. Do you actually read their stuff? 

The world would be a better place with fewer bigots like you.

That Star Wars video is unhinged. How many staff thought it was a great idea? Is DeSantis surrounding himself with idiots?

This article is a sign of that. They’re running out of things to say, but they still won’t stop. Every angle must be considered! Now it’s, “a bunch of billionaires with zero experience in science decided to kill themselves, and it’s the government’s fault.”

You listed inventors and engineers who forced new ground.

They’re also trying to say that gay people are Nazis, so it seems that they don’t know that Nazis targeted, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered gay people. (The Nazis invented the pink triangle symbol for gay men.)


“fairly wide scale”

You just know that if his underlings at Twitter called him ma’am, he would be *pissed.* He really does care about pronouns, but he won’t admit it.

“we state that about everyone”

I keep wondering about the poop. As the oxygen dwindles, they’ll be breathing in each other’s poop.

(It’s not just carbon and plastic. There’s titanium too. ...I hear your point, but your info is incomplete.)

Agreed, and for practical reasons too. They currently reject something like 99.99% of the cases before them. When someone does recuse himself, they can end up with cases seen by just 8 or 7 people. When new justices come in from places like an AG’s office, they often have to miss the first round of cases because of

The people making these rules have education in... what, exactly? These are guys who struggled to get a GED. They certainly don’t understand coding because they don’t understand even the basics of any kind of STEM. They're just idiotic Moms for Liberty but with buzzcuts and more guns. 

Both of you are misusing the words. No trees anywhere have a gender, but all do have a sex. Most trees are bisexual (male and female), and some have separate male and female trees.

He’s too racist for that. He speaks only one language, he hates everybody, he thinks a majority of nations are shitholes. He also needs to be the center of attention (and nobody in Germany or Poland or Scotland cares who he is).