Oh, yeah, how about calling? Any info on dropped calls? We are not buying a camera for $650+, right?
Oh, yeah, how about calling? Any info on dropped calls? We are not buying a camera for $650+, right?
If they make it sound better - I would get one. But these colors and cameras are not for the real purpose of LISTENING the music. Was it made to listen the music? How come Apple doesn't come up with better sound reproducing quality? And that's the only thing they need to change. How come they introduce new device for…
Stunning, they should have showed this clip yesterday while introducing iphone 4s. I bet it would make the day for Apple!
Ants, that is what it looks like - ants at work! Have you ever been watching bunch of ants doing something for about 10-15 minutes?
Don't walk around this thing, guys! Might be fatal.
Something tells me that if it is Made in Brazil, then it's gonna be better than a Chinese made device. And it's really gonna be Made in America!
I guess, this is one of the solutions to keep the company alive and floating
It's not the point of a "new" feature, it is how they will bring it to masses. "Unbelievable", "amazing", "this will change everything" old tech feature will make iPhone 5 the best of the best! Really, guys... Soon, people will start to lough at these "innovations."
I am going to call my Russian comrades to build-up a team. What are the immigration laws today? Will NASA help to bring them here?
Ok, I am getting the 9, 11, 13 and all the rest. You know the math, right?
I predict the day we will always remember as iBlackout, as now it's in Microsoft's hands!
Has Apple just stole the home button shape from Samsung Galaxy?
All this looks like a greatest stunt from HP to advertise a product. We will see what happens next... Think why they need to release a EURO600 64GB TouchPad in Europe after all these news. WebOS is NOT dead. I guess it's a huge jumpstart for the system.
Finally! No more stupidity, like Motoblur, on new devices!
Microsoft = Agony
But do I really care after being departed?
Let's say: Internet cuts down the quantity of people going to church! Some of them are forgetting what they were doing there before the internet.
That is because NATO used 10,000 airplanes and bombers against 2,000 soviet birds. Why need to make so many tanks if you can't shoot a bird with it.
Why won't Verizon or Sprint open GSM network and stop all this BS with CDMA-paranoia? Their customers losing money every time new phone comes out, as retail value of old phone falls below the belt... I really can't get this. Most of the world uses GSM-only networks. And I won't say they are less advanced, than Verizon…
Sounds to me like great advertising gimmick, anyway.