

Sail Fast Than Wait

Then. Ship fast then wait. I'm the last person who should be giving editorial advice, but this is an easy one.

I have no idea what News Nation is, but maybe they are being smart and putting “Possible” in front of every story so they don’t get sued for making up shit like Fox.

Wow, excellent contribution to the conversation. I’m sure everybody really appreciates your valuable insight on this topic.

So Donald The Criminal’s boss, Putin the tiny KGB agent, proves what a spiteful punk he is...what else is new?

Why do we even let them keep Kaliningrad?

Back in my day, turbo used to mean something.

3000 light-years away would seem to imply that this happened 3000 years ago and we get to see it now?

I can’t hear you above all the laughing

Also you get that bullet proof Italian reliability that Alfa Romeo is famous for.

Literally the same idiots.

And yet they believe gas trucks and cars are great for us.

Rules for thee but not for me?

He does the same process with his cars though.

General Aviation kills on average, more than one person a day in the US. Hobby drones killed no one.

Next step:

Good. All trucks and SUVs need to have their headlights placed lower down on their faces. There really should be a height limit placed on headlight positions.

Joke’s on you, because the Macan may “start” at $80,450, but the actual “start” button is a $15,000 add-on. If you’ve ever tried to spec out a Porsche you’ll understand.

It doesn’t matter that it was private. It doesn’t matter that it was potentially a joke. What *does* matter is the staggering cost of incorrectly ignoring a real terrorist threat, in millions of dollars and countless lives. Whereas the cost of over-reacting to a joke is a few hundred thousand dollars and jail time for