
A car dealer... ...has been charged with... ...fraud

Great.  Another Nazi platform is born. 

Gee, dealers can’t sell cars at current prices? Maybe they should try, I dunno, selling them for lower prices? Just thinking out loud here.

Also he himself is on record saying Civilization will crumble if we all don’t have more kids. But he’s too much of a dick to pay for the kids he fathered. 

If it makes you feel better, there’s no way your insurance company is getting that data from Google for free.  They’re going to have to pay for it like everyone else, and if you’ve dealt with insurance companies before, you know how much they love spending money as opposed to just collecting it effortlessly.

Shut up and take my trade-in Honda Odyssey

Texas... Enough said... 

Since when do EVs have insane maintenance costs? I just got the 20k service done on my Polestar and you know what they did? Replace the wiper blades and filled the washer fluid. It cost $0. 

A great nation does great things and this is one of them.

My Meta Quest Two is still going strong since I never use it and is sitting in a dresser drawer gathering dust. 

Tangential question: How long do we have to keep up this “X, formerly Twitter” naming nonsense? I think everyone here is well aware that it is called “X” now. Elon Musk’s social media abomination does not deserve two names.

Sure, but the lawyers made out great!

The $500M is literally 0.5% of last years net profits......0.5% of one years profits.......How is this any penalty to them at all? Fucking crooked fucking America. 

It would appear that every accusation made by Republicans is something that they are doing themselves. It’s projection every time. 

I hear that McDonald’s is also going to start banning people who don’t finish the entire drink in their combo meal, even if it’s mostly water from the ice melting.

Oh My Goodness! Stop the Presses! US technology is being used by the Chinese where American companies willingly gave their technology to a Chinese manufacturer so the Chinese people can manufacture the items for pennies on the dollar so the greedy American companies can have a larger profit margin? Color me surprised.

Pretty much. Like most C-Suite types, he’ll remain completely out of touch and make decisions to satisfy shareholders at the expense of drivers.

performance of something “similar”? You can fault its interior, its build quality, and even the ridiculous CEO, but nothing comes close to how quick these cars are at anywhere near this kind of money besides maybe the demon107 or whatever it is.
Again, I’m not defending tesla or any of their terrible decisions, but

So uh, this is gonna make zero difference in the long run lol.

> Tesla Autopilot does not prevent all accidents.