
Yeah, 70 times higher than this.

The top of Mount Everest.

There's a video on youtube of a guy who can't do anything to try and save himself, he basically just casually says bye and waves at the camera. He survived though :).

Guns are illegal in the UK.

I thought it was funny. Maybe if they where in the kitchen they wouldn't face the problem of getting drugged in the first place?

It's still very easy to slip something into something that someone is holding.

No that's totally untrue, the original protests where peaceful ones against the police, then kids decided they would turn it into a riot, now the riot is just about destroying and stealing shit. Most of the rioters don't know shit about the government.

What about people who are outside because their houses have been burned down/destroyed?

There's people out there because their house has been burned down, doing what you say would defiantly result in civilian deaths.

Yes that will go good, shoot people who are on the streets because their house has been burned down.

Are you implying humans don't naturally love destruction and violence?

Because everyone doing this except the first few people (who where doing a peaceful protest) are doing it to loot and destroy property, this has nothing to do with the government, just kids having a good time (to them).

You was going to say niggers.

There must be like, 4 pixels in that whole clip.

Also, not everything is metal.

shutup nigga or ill hak ur xbox my dad works at ms hes gonna ban u

Hipster hackers. Hacking big sites and games is so mainstream.

...yeah in an average movie rated 18+.

Don't worry, it'll be fine.