
It is impossible for them to patch this, hackers have exactly the same powers as sony does.

By people you mean you? Not many other people respond to me like you do. You're getting mad over someone calling you pathetic insults over the internet. Now I know this is a new experience for you (being out of the kitchen) but you should learn to put capital letters on the start of each sentence, also you have

Wow, you have no idea what you're saying do you? How the fuck could my comment show that? I just said that there are bigger problems than someone calling you names over the internet. You really do have problems if you take things so seriously people on THE INTERNET say to you.

Wow you still don't undrestand. I was saying that your brain will make the choice on if you want to have sex with them. It will, this is a fact, you have no control over if it does or not.

Calm down, I never said that it makes you objectify women, I said that your brain will make that choice, its not limited to men, women do it aswell. The point I was trying to make was that your brain will make the decision if you want it to or not, if you act upon that decision is up to the concious part of the

Calm down, I never said that it makes you objectify women, I said that your brain will make that choice, its not limited to men, women do it aswell. The point I was trying to make was that your brain will make the decision if you want it to or not, if you act upon that decision is up to the concious part of the

You don't have to get so emotional over someone calling you a name or insulting you on the internet, it's not like its humanities biggest problem at all.

@TRT-X: Lets face it, even if you're not a women you're going to get shit on live.

@mrMyxlplyX: Pretty sure he was not being serious. Either that or you got trolled

@mrMyxlplyX: It's not just women that get these type of messages, if you go on live then this will happen to you regardless of your sex.

@osopequeno: That will never happen, oh you you're so silly!

@F.A.M.A.S.: Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich

@tetracycloide: :S, Actually its not, your brain DOES do this, regardless of what you think.

@bakagaijin: " you're body and mind are not"

@tetracycloide: Whether you like it or not, you have naturally made that decision without even knowing it all the time.

According to the comments they didn't finish the easter egg.