Sukhoi Breeze

Certainly not the prettiest Le Mans car ever, but boy does it sound mean! The guy seems like he’s driving it at about 8/10. Can’t say that I blame him though, as that car is probably worth a couple million.

I agree with you for the most part. I think they’re doing a good job and if they keep on track, their reputation will be fully restored.

Evans is weird and awkward because he is trying way too hard; more acting than presenting. Add in the touchy-feelyness with Matt LeBlanc and it’s just plain creepy. It seems especially weird on both fronts compared to the old show wherein the presenters presented and they went to great lengths to make sure they never

I stand corrected. However, your post did appear to make it come across that way.

Wow, ok. Looks like I need this game.

Aside from the gratingly irritating music, that was good. I didn’t even know what I was looking at until I watched the video a second time. It reminds me of the Bose hopping suspension! All it needs to be perfect is the Miata gif words hovering over the cars as they crest the jump.

Which explains why the car magazines all love the CTS-V and ATS-V. I can tell that you’re one of those people who thinks all American cars are garbage simply by virtue of being American, or at the very least you just don’t like GM and you will trash them any time they’re mentioned, no matter how unwarranted it may be.


Most people is dumb. :p

You can option up a Model X to over $150,000. That is in no way “affordable”to the vast majority of people.

Tesla in a nutshell.

An American truck is American because it comes from an American brand. It does not suddenly cease to be an American vehicle because it is made somewhere other than America.

The general rule of thumb is that half the value of the mods (assuming they actually IMPROVE the car) gets added to the value of the car. And then gets thrown away in negotiations of price until you arrive back at the value of a stock vehicle. Moral of the story: only modify cars you plan to keep for a very long time!

What, exactly, makes sedans “inherently flawed?"

S8s are freaking gorgeous. You have excellent taste, sir.

And it looks (can’t believe I’m saying this about a Honda) damn good too! I always look at them for a while before I realize they’re just an Accord. Proof that economy cars don’t have to look boring.

With the noise that 4.6 makes, I think you are absolutely correct in your assertion.

The Mission E really looks fantastic. If I could have that with the 4.6 V8 from the 918, I would never want any other car. Ok, that’s a lie... I would still want other cars, but would be practically at the top of my list.

You can’t go wrong with a V10 in a luxury sedan, so I don’t blame you. Until it takes a liking to fishing around in your wallet on a regular basis, that is. Then, you may have problems! :P

Throw an LSA under the hood and you could turn it into a ZL1!